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High School Faith Formation

Religious Education

Religious Education (RE) for the High School students (Grades 9, 10, & 11) offers more flexibility as to when and where they meet. Each grade has 4-5 small groups that have Catechist(s). They meet in their homes or at the church.  The students and teacher also schedule their own date, time & length of classes. This allows flexibility with sports and other activities.  They can also add extra service projects if wanted and fun activities for their group. Registration night is in September, along with their Safe Environment training.


                    9th Grade: Studies Altaration & Quick Catholic Lessons with Fr. Mike Schmitz

                  10th Grade: Studies YOU - Theology of the Body for Teens

                  11th Grade: Studies Chosen from Ascension Press


EXALT 9th-12th graders and families are encouraged to attend EXALT monthly on Wednesday evenings. We begin supper at 5:45 pm, followed with an opportunity to spend time with Jesus in adoration and reconciliation.  Small group discussions close the evening at 8:00pm. All are welcome! ​ 


Middle & High School Youth Group is open for students in grades 6-12.  Click here for more information


Safe Environment

Safe Environment training program for our children and youth will be the program Circle of Grace. The goal of this program is to educate and empower children and young people to actively participate in a safe environment for themselves and others. Circle of Grace aims to equip children and young people by arming them with essential knowledge and skills grounded in the richness of our faith. This program helps them to understand their own (and other’s) dignity in mind, body, and spirit.


Grades 9 & 10 will receive their Safe Environment training on registration nights.  You will be emailed the presentation if your child is absent.  Please go over it with them and then contact Margaret Rasmussen when it is completed.  If you have any questions on the Safe Environment or if you choose for your child to "opt out" from the training, please request and complete an "opt out" form.  Contact Margaret at or (218) 681-3571.

Grade 9: Review Circle of Grace, Communion of Saints, Mary & Joseph Say “Yes”, When the Circle

Grade 10: Review Circle of Grace, Levels of Intimacy and Influence, Circle of Virtue, Tech Savvy or Tech Safe, What is Your Motto?

Grade 11: Review Circle of Grace, N.O.T.I.C.E. When Boundaries Go Wrong, Circle of Virtue, Human Trafficking: Modern Day Slavery


Class Schedule

Class date & time are decided by Catechists and Students. 



Remind for Grade 9 

text @stb9gr to 218-631-8257


Remind for Grade 10 

text @stb10gr to 218-631-8257





Baptism, the Eucharist, and the sacrament of Confirmation together constitute the "sacraments of Christian initiation," whose unity must be safeguarded.  It must be explained to the faithful that the reception of the sacrament of Confirmation is necessary for the completion of baptismal grace. (CCC 1285)


Confirmation registration is on a Wednesday night in September.  Please bring a copy of the confirmation candidate's Baptismal Certificate (if he/she was not baptized at St. Bernard's) the evening of registration.  Parents and Candidates will receive information and guidelines for Confirmation and their materials for study.  Candidates will be studying the program called "Chosen" from Ascension Press.  The Sacrament fee is $50 and due at the time of registration.


Confirmation Registration Form

For Confirmation Candidate & Parent/Guardian

For Confirmation Candidate

Encountering Events
Encountering Event Follow-Up (needed for events not listed in within the S.E.E.D.S ministry.

For any questions about Confirmation, please contact Margaret Rasmussen at (218) 681-3571 or

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St. Bernard's Catholic Church

St. Bernard's Church,  105 Knight Ave N Thief River Falls, MN 56701  | |  Tel: (218) 681-3571

 Parish Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 9am-5pm 

This institution is an equal opportunity Provider

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