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Elementary Faith Formation

PreKindergarten (age 4) through 5th grade meet in the classrooms on Sundays from 10:15 - 11:15 am.  We are currently using the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies.


                 PreKindergarten: Seeds

                 Kindergarten & Grade 1: Promise

                 Grades 2 & 3: Good News

                 Grades 4 & 5:  Venture


Family Resources Page:


Advent Craft Day is scheduled for the Sunday before Christmas break.  This is our celebration of Advent where students, along with their family, help with a service project, make a craft item or ornament to take home and enjoy refreshments.


Praise & Worship Sundays where students gather in the church to praise God by singing along with kids worship videos on the large screens in the church.


Rosary Sundays for students in Grades 2 - 5, praying the rosary during Lent.


Stations of the Cross Sunday for students in Grades 1 - 5,  praying the Stations of the Cross with Fr. Craig Vasek during Lent.


Valentine Making Sunday is another service project where the students gather in the parish hall to make valentines that are mailed to the home bound, nursing homes, residents, and senior citizens.


EXALT Preschool through 5th Grade families are encouraged to attend EXALT monthly on Wednesday evenings. We begin supper at 5:45 pm, followed with an opportunity to spend time with Jesus in adoration and reconciliation.  Small group discussions close the evening at 8:00pm. All are welcome! 



Sunday School

Sunday School

PreKindergarten (age 4) through 5th grade meet in the classrooms on Sundays from 10:15 - 11:15 am.  We are currently using the Pflaum Gospel Weeklies.


                 PreKindergarten: Seeds

                 Kindergarten & Grade 1: Promise

                 Grades 2 & 3: Good News

                 Grades 4 & 5:  Venture


Family Resources Page:


Advent Craft Day is scheduled for the Sunday before Christmas break.  This is our celebration of Advent where students, along with their family, help with a service project, make a craft item or ornament to take home and enjoy refreshments.


Praise & Worship Sundays where students gather in the church to praise God by singing along with kids worship videos on the large screens in the church.


Rosary Sundays for students in Grades 2 - 5, praying the rosary during Lent.


Stations of the Cross Sunday for students in Grades 1 - 5,  praying the Stations of the Cross with Fr. Craig Vasek during Lent.


Valentine Making Sunday is another service project where the students gather in the parish hall to make valentines that are mailed to the home bound, nursing homes, residents, and senior citizens.


EXALT Preschool through 5th Grade families are encouraged to attend EXALT monthly on Wednesday evenings. We begin supper at 5:45 pm, followed with an opportunity to spend time with Jesus in adoration and reconciliation.  Small group discussions close the evening at 8:00pm. All are welcome! 



Safe Environment

Safe Environment training program for our children and youth will be the program Circle of Grace. The goal of this program is to educate and empower children and young people to actively participate in a safe environment for themselves and others. Circle of Grace aims to equip children and young people by arming them with essential knowledge and skills grounded in the richness of our faith. This program helps them to understand their own (and other’s) dignity in mind, body, and spirit.

Grades K – 2: What is our Circle of Grace:  The Stoplight: Feelings, Touch and Secret Safety Plan

Grades 3 - 5: Review our Circle of Grace:  Boundaries and Action plan, Internet terms and Safety,                          Understanding the influences of Media in our Circle of Grace.


Grades K-5 will receive their Safe Environment training during their class times in November/DecemberYou will be emailed the presentation if your child is absent.  Please go over it with them and then contact Margaret Rasmussen when it is completed.  If you have any questions on the Safe Environment or if you choose for your child to "opt out" from the training, please request and complete an "opt out" form.  Contact Margaret at or (218) 681-3571.





Class Schedule

Class Schedule 2024-2025 

Remind for Sunday School Group 1 (PK, K & 1)

text @stbpk1 to 218-631-8257


Remind for Sunday School Group 2 (grades 2-5)

text @stb25gr to 218-631-8257

Sacrament Preparation for First Reconciliation/First Communion


The First Reconciliation meeting for parents and candidates is scheduled on a Sunday in October.  Parents will receive a letter with more information prior to the meeting


First Communion preparation will begin in February, after the reception of the Sacrament of First Reconciliation.  


The Sacrament Fees are $20.00 each and due at the time of registration for each Sacrament. You may pay for both or one with your RE registration if you wish.  Please mark your registration paper, and check when doing so. Preparation for First Reconciliation and Eucharist is for children in Second Grade or older.


First Reconciliation takes place in December and First Communion in April/May of the next year.

Programs used are God’s Gift of Reconciliation and God’s Gift of the Eucharist from Loyola Press. The program is taught by parents at home with support from the parish. Parents and candidates work on review sheets based on the materials covered to help us see how the children are comprehending the materials. Parents are present and assist with any reading or spelling etc. Interviews with Father are done in the spring for First Eucharist.


If you have any questions about the preparation of First Reconciliation, please contact Margaret Rasmussen, Director of Faith Formation at (218) 681-3571 or

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St. Bernard's Catholic Church

St. Bernard's Church,  105 Knight Ave N Thief River Falls, MN 56701  | |  Tel: (218) 681-3571

 Parish Office Hours: Mon - Fri: 9am-5pm 

This institution is an equal opportunity Provider

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