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(Sacraments. Education. Encounter. Discipleship. Service.)


  • Baptism – received once traditionally as an infant

  • Eucharist – received as often as possible

  • Reconciliation – received as often as possible

  • Confirmation – received once traditionally junior year of high school

  • Anointing of the Sick – received when needed. (Before surgery or medical tests, etc)

  • Holy Orders – discern your vocation in priesthood, deacon or religious sisters

  • Matrimony – discern your vocation of marriage


Why are they essential in our faith formation?  The sacraments help to make people holy and build-up the body of Christ.  They are a way to relate to God throughout life’s transitions and help us to give praise and worship to God.  They help us nourish, strengthen, and express our faith.


Goal: To receive the Eucharist every week and Reconciliation as often as needed – maybe once a month!


  • 6th Grade: Encounter – Experiencing God in the Everyday (Bible Timeline); Virtues

  • 7th Grade: YDisciple/Formed (the Creed – our profession of faith) Never Alone – Live in the Holy Spirit; Virtues

  • 8th Grade: Theology of the Body (Middle School version)

  • 9th Grade: Altarations (Mass)/Quick Catholic Answers with Fr. Mike Schmitz

  • 10th Grade: YOU – Theology of the Body (High School version)

  • 11th Grade: Chosen – A Call to Vocations (Confirmation)


Why are these classes essential in our faith formation? It builds on our kerygma (the apostolic proclamation of salvation through Jesus Christ.)

  1. God loves me unconditionally and has created me for relationship with Him.

  2. I have broken my relationship with God by my sin.

  3. Jesus restores my relationship with God through His life, death, and resurrection.

  4. Jesus invites me to trust Him, to turn from sin and to give my life to Him.

  5. Jesus has poured the Holy Spirit into my heart to bring me to new life in His Church.


Goal: To attend 100% of the classes every year. 


We know that things come up when you are not available to attend class.  However, attendance is important.  You are responsible to make up any missing classes.  If two or more classes are missed, you will be contacted about either continuing with faith formation classes or attending RCIA.

Encountering Events

Why is this essential in our faith formation? We can encounter Christ in our everyday lives, however, being a follower of Christ means intentionally seeking opportunities to encounter Him, building on a lasting relationship and growing as a disciple.


Goal: Middle School Youth to attend 1 Encountering Event in their 6th-8th middle school years.

           High School Youth to attend 2 Encountering Events in their 9th-11th high school years.


Middle School

  • Catholic Bible Camps

    • St. John Paul II Camp (7th & 8th graders)

    • Trinity Youth Camp (4th-8th graders)

  • Diocese of Crookston Youth Conference

  • XLT’s - when available for Middle School students                       


High School

  • Steubenville Conferences

  • National Catholic Youth Conference

  • Diocese of Crookston Youth Conference

  • Hope Retreats

  • XLT’s

  • Catholic Bible Camps (as a camper or service team)

    • St. Theresa of Calcutta Camp (9th & 10th graders)

    • Trinity Youth Camp (as a CIT or counselor)


Events may be added throughout the year.  Some events not listed here may require an Encountering Event Follow Up submitted to Margaret Rasmussen or Misty Mehrkens.  Follow-up forms can be found here.


Why is this essential in our faith formation? Jesus is calling all to be His missionary disciples. Pope Francis shares: “In virtue of our baptism, all the members of the People of God have become missionary disciples.”


Goal: Create a daily prayer life and participate in church life.  For example, visit the Blessed Sacrament of Adoration often and become an active member at Mass as a liturgical minister:

  • Altar Server

  • Tech Minister

  • Lector

  • Commentator

  • Ushers/Hospitality

  • Pianist/Cantor

  • Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (must have received the sacrament of Confirmation)

  • Prayer life – endless opportunities for prayer!

  • Serving meals or helping at parish/school events


Why is it essential to our faith formation? Service is the gift of identifying the needs and problems of others to work with them in whatever way needed, no matter how small or big the task.


Goal: To serve in some capacity all 7 Works of Mercy within 6-11th grade. 


The 7 Corporal Works of Mercy

1. Feed the Hungry

  • Avoid wasting food.

  • See to the proper nutrition of your loved ones.

  • Set the table, do the dishes, or help cook dinner for your family.

  • Support, donate, and volunteer for food pantries, soup kitchens and agencies that feed the hungry.

  • Make a few sandwiches to hand out as you walk through areas where you might encounter people in need.

  • Educate yourself about world hunger.

  • Give food to a homeless person.

  • Pay for the person behind you in the drive through.​


2. Give Drink to the Thirsty

  • Donate water to shelters or in an emergency situation.

  • Take extra water/drinks with you to a sporting event and share.

  • Run a lemonade stand and donate the profits, or just give the drinks away for free.

  • Offer to get drinks for your friends or family members.


3. Shelter the Homeless

  • Help neighbors care for their homes and do repairs.

  • Support and/or volunteer at a homeless shelter.

  • Support and/or volunteer for charitable agencies who care for the homeless, build homes, and provide support in the wake of natural disasters.

  • Advocate for public policies and legislation that provide housing for low-income people.

  • Consider becoming a foster family.

  • Donate old furniture, pillows, blankets, etc. to those that need it.

  • Know where safe places are and tell people about them.

  • Invite people you know to stay with you when in need (traveling, buying a new house, in an emergency, foreign exchange student).

  • Pay for a hotel room for someone who needs it or help pay someone’s rent.


4. Clothe the Naked

  • Go through your drawers and closets and find good-condition clothes and shoes to donate to agencies that provide assistance for those in need or even a family you know.

  • Participate in programs that provide towels and linens for hospitals in distressed areas.

  • Volunteer to work at a clothing drive or at a shelter where clothing is distributed to those in need.

  • Support the work of the St Vincent de Paul Society.

  • Buy and donate coats for people who need them.

  • Collect baby items for moms in need.

  • Make your own things to donate – hats, scarves, etc.

  • Have a garage sale and donate the money.


5. Visit the Sick

  • Spend quality time with those who are sick or homebound.

  • Take the time to call, send a card or an email to someone who is sick.

  • Volunteer to drive patients to medical appointments and treatment facilities.

  • Volunteer at a hospital.

  • Assist those who are full-time caregivers for family members.

  • Cook and deliver meals to the sick and homebound.

  • Ask a priest to visit the sick person.

  • Make sure that someone bring them Communion and Anointing of the Sick.

  • Make a card, call them, bring a thoughtful gift like pillows, games, books, etc.

  • Bring someone who is sick a home cooked meal.

  • Help them with their medicine or even help pay their medical bills.

  • Be extra nice to family members when they are sick.


6. Visit the Imprisoned

  • Support and/or participate in ministries to those who are incarcerated.

  • Support programs sponsored by agencies that advocate on behalf of those who are unjustly imprisoned.

  • Support job-training and educational programs designed to rehabilitate prisoner.

  • Prayer for the families of inmates.

  • Support programs that provide holiday gifts for prisoners and their families.

  • Support efforts that seek the abolition of the death penalty.

  • Encourage your priest to visit someone in prison.

  • Visit someone who is in prison, who is homebound or hospitalized.

  • Send cards or care packages to the prison, homebound or hospitalized/residential care.

  • Cook for someone who is homebound.

  • Go caroling, play instruments, play games, read out loud to the homebound.


7.  Bury the dead

  • Be faithful about attending wakes/visitation.

  • Support or volunteer at a hospice.

  • Participate in a bereavement ministry.

  • Spend time with widows and widowers.

  • Take friends and relatives to visit the cemetery. Visit a gravesite to pray.

  • Offer daily prayers for those with terminal illnesses and for those who have died.

  • Send Mass cards, food, or flowers to families of those who have died.

  • Donate to a cause that is special to the family.

  • Help clean out the home of the deceased.

  • Help pay bills related to the funeral.

For any questions about S.E.E.D.S., please contact Margaret Rasmussen or Misty Mehrkens at (218) 681-3571 or;

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  • Facebook St. B School
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St. Bernard's Catholic Church

St. Bernard's Church,  105 Knight Ave N Thief River Falls, MN 56701  | |  Tel: (218) 681-3571

 Opening Hours: Mon - Fri: 8am-5pm 

This institution is an equal opportunity Provider

©2020-2023 by St. Bernard's Church.  Created with

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