Baptism Prep
The Catholic Church strongly recommends not to delay the Sacrament of Baptism for children and infants. To schedule a baptism, please call the parish office at 218-681-3571. If this is your first child being baptized at St. Bernard's since the installation of Fr. Vasek as pastor (July 1, 2023), you will need to complete a 1-hour baptism prep course with Fr. Vasek prior to the baptism. Additional requirements for a Catholic baptism include:
Not already validly baptized in another Christian community
Promise by the parents to raise the child in the Catholic faith
Having at least one Catholic godparent (if having 2 godparents, must be one male and one female)
Baptized, Confirmed and received First Communion​
Not a member of a non-Catholic Christian community
Not the parent of the child
Not under imposed or declared canonical penalty
Baptism of Adults
Teenagers and adults seeking baptism should contact, Carolyn Holecek, the OCIA Coordinator, by calling the parish office at 218-681-3571.